Gargoyle Gecko Preferences
Gargoyle geckos can be fed powdered foods like Pangea or Repashy, but, even though it is not necessary, the protein from insects, like dubia roaches and crickets, may be beneficial for faster growth.
UVB lighting is not necessary, but can be used if you choose.
Heat lamps may not be necessary if the gecko is kept in a room that is consistently between 70 and 80 degrees.
Gargoyle geckos like a humid climate. Misting with a spray bottle once or twice a day will help keep the humidity levels above 50% most of the day with spikes of 80 to 90% after mistings.
Be gentle. If scared, gargoyle geckos have the ability to lose their tails. Unlike the crested gecko, their tails do grow back.
Arboreal - which means they like to climb trees. Some type of climbing feature should be in their enclosure for this reason.
When aggravated or communicating with another gargoyle gecko, they can make noises. These sounds may sound like they are whining, growling, or blowing air out of their noses.
The first few weeks, they may be jumpy or try to bite out of fear. It is best not to touch them for a couple weeks while they get acclimated to their new home.
If they open their mouth, they are letting you know they are getting aggravated. They may bite if you don't leave them alone. Normally, the bite does not feel like much more than the pinch of a clothes pin.
Coming Soon
Baby Gargoyle Geckos - In the Fall of 2020, we will begin offering baby gargoyle geckos for sale. The pictures displayed on every page of this website are of Adam and Eve, the male and female breeders that we will begin breeding some time in March. Eve is still a little small now, but we think she will be big enough this Spring.
An adult gargoyle gecko should be housed in an enclosure that is around 18"x18"x24". A taller container is better than a wider container since they like to climb.
Rhacodactylus auriculatus - aka the gargoyle gecko is a nocturnal gecko that lives in small trees close to the ground. Which makes them the perfect pet for a bioactive terrarium with live plants.